Le 13.01.11 Par Vive les rondes

Beth Ditto sort son auto-biographie : Coal to diamonds

Couverture du livre de Beth Ditto Coal to diamonds

Beth Ditto commence très fort cette année 2011 : Un nouvel album en préparation avec Simian Mobile Disco et maintenant un livre.

Attention, il ne s’agit pas d’un simple livre, d’un recueil de photos ou d’un roman, non non !
Beth a écrit à 29 ans son auto-biographie, rien que ça !

Depuis son enfance dans l’Arkansas, son homosexualité, ses années de galère jusqu’à son époustouflant succès internationale tout semble y passer.
Problèmes d’argent et problèmes de coeur, cette fois-ci Beth Ditto se met à nue à l’écrit pour changer.

Comme on peut s’y attendre venant d’une personne du mouvement « punk », le ton est très libre !

Coal to diamonds sera mis en vente courant 2011 surement en septembre, au prix de 20 euros environ.

Présentation de l’auteur :
« Le cours de ma vie était supposée se passer simplement, et ce, de façon non-négociable: naissance, travail, mariage, enfants, mort. Coal to Diamonds est mon histoire – grandir en ressentant quand tu es en marge de la société et te battre pour trouver ta place, la définir. Mais sur la route, quelque chose inattendu est survenu. Mon autobiographie parle directement à ceux que l’on prive de droits, aux enfants incompris des quatre coins du monde…

My life was supposed to be simple and non-negotiable: birth, church, work, marriage, kids, death. But along the way something happened. COAL INTO DIAMONDS is my story – growing up feeling like you are on the margins of society and struggling to find your place. My memoir talks directly to disenfranchised, misunderstood kids everywhere’
Beth Ditto is known for her remarkable voice (which has been compared to Etta James and Janice Joplin), her talent (‘fuckin immense’ – Noel Gallagher) and her forthright rejection of what a pop singer should look like. As a 5 foot, 15 stone gay singer, Beth was never going to be ignored but her talent plus her exuberant opinions have made her a heroine for the alternative music scene. Beth grew up in the Bible-belt town of Searcy, Arkansas as the middle child of seven. She says they were a classic trailer-park family, ‘crazy poor’, who sometimes shot and ate squirrels for entertainment. Beth realised she wasn’t cut out for a life of ‘teenage pregnancy or crystal meth addiction’, and after years of being bullied for being fat and loud, she managed to get away to Olympia, Washington State, where she immediately found like-minded people. It was this move that opened her eyes to another way of living – one where you were not judged for how you looked, but who you were, and where your talents were encouraged. COAL INTO DIAMONDS tells the full story of Beth’s journey to success and fulfilment. She has never forgotten how it is to be an outsider and shares her homespun wisdom as well as many wonderful stories of her misspent youth before her song ‘Standing in the Way of Control’ became an anthem for alternative music fans the world over.

La vie de Beth Ditto. ça t’intéresse ?

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