42 ans
Montréal, Qc
Standard Delivery Charges: Please use the chart below to estimate the standard shipping charge for your order.
For Orders of: Charge
Up to 1 pound $8
1 - 2 pounds $10
2 - 10 pounds $16
10 pounds or more $1 each additional pound
Express Delivery Charges: $16 for orders up to 10 pounds, $1 each additional pound.
International Shipping: Same as listed above. Express delivery is only available to United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden.
Ben d'après ce qui est écrit sur le site à propos des frais d'envoi, c'est standard pour tous les pays, même à l'international...
For Orders of: Charge
Up to 1 pound $8
1 - 2 pounds $10
2 - 10 pounds $16
10 pounds or more $1 each additional pound
Express Delivery Charges: $16 for orders up to 10 pounds, $1 each additional pound.
International Shipping: Same as listed above. Express delivery is only available to United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden.
Ben d'après ce qui est écrit sur le site à propos des frais d'envoi, c'est standard pour tous les pays, même à l'international...